ATBDS Diary Dates 2024

This calendar was created in December 2023.  It will be updated as required during the year.

Note: Tuesday night classes at Prospect are on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays of each month from late January to mid-December, 7.30-9.30pm.
N,B. See note under 23 January below.

Date Time Event Place
7-10pm Mitcham Village Evening Folk Dance
January’s music by the Adelaide Empire Band. Tea and coffee provided in the mid-evening break. Enquiries to Tricia 8296 6020. Doors open 6.30. Members $15, non-members $20.
Mitcham Village Institute, cnr Princes Rd & Torrens St, Mitcham
From 3:00pm Back to Dancing Party
Bring food to share and seats.
Merilyn Taylor’s place,
0409 670 205
7.30-9.30pm Classes recommence
Normal cycle of 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays.
Prospect Town Hall, 128 Prospect Rd (cnr Vine St), Prospect
 March 24th 2-5pm

Afternoon Social Dance

 Music by Pining for the Fjords.
Afternoon Tea provided. Members $15, non-members $20.

St Aidan’s Church Hall, cnr Payneham & OG Roads, Marden
 April         13th 7-10.00pm Mitcham Village Evening Folk Dance
April’s music by tba. Tea & coffee provided in the mid-evening break. Enquiries to Tricia 8296 6020. Doors open 6.30. Members $15, non-members $20.
 Mitcham Cultural Village Institute, cnr Princes Rd & Torrens St, Mitcham
May         26th From 2pm ATBDS 38th Birthday Dance
Mitcham Cultural Village Institute, cnr Princes Rd & Torrens St, Mitcham
7-10.00pm   Mitcham Village Evening Folk Dance
Music by the Adelaide Empire Band. Tea & coffee provided in the mid-evening break. Enquiries to Tricia 8296 6020. Doors open 6.30. Members $15, non-members $20.
Mitcham Cultural Village Institute, cnr Princes Rd & Torrens St, Mitcham
6.30pm Doors open Annual Ball
Music by Tamarisque with Catherine Fraser.
Dancing from 7-10pm,
including supper break. To really enjoy the Ball it’s important to be familiar with the dances. Ball dances will feature at the Tuesday night classes on 9 and 23 July. See 2024 Ball Post at top right for more background.
Prospect Town Hall, 128 Prospect Rd (cnr Vine St), Prospect
September 1st 2-5.00pm Afternoon Social  Dance
Music by the Adelaide Empire Band.
Afternoon Tea provided.
Members $15, non-members $20.
St Aidan’s Church Hall, cnr Payneham & OG Roads, Marden
7-10.00pm Mitcham Village Evening Folk Dance
October’s music by Pining for the Fjords. Tea & coffee provided for the interval. Enquiries to Tricia 8296 6020. Doors open 6.30. Members $15, non-members $20.
Mitcham Cultural Village Institute, cnr Princes Rd & Torrens St, Mitcham
October 22nd  7.30pm Dance / AGM
Dance, then short AGM and more dancing. Free night
Prospect Town Hall, 128 Prospect Rd (cnr Vine St), Prospect
November 8 – 11th Annual Camp Camp Kedron, Barmera
 2-5.00pm Afternoon Social Dance
Band not available.
Prices reduced to $12 for Members and $15 for Non-members.
Afternoon Tea provided.
Mitcham Cultural Village Institute, cnr Princes Rd & Torrens St, Mitcham
7:30pm Dance & Break-up Party.

NB No Tuesday night dances
on 24 & 31 December.

Prospect Town Hall, 128 Prospect Rd (cnr Vine St), Prospect
From 12 noon ATBDS Picnic in the Park Enter from rear via Koonga Ave. St Helen’s Park,
Prospect Rd, Prospect